Database Overview
The database contains 96,807 entries related to cancer immunotherapy, including 7,774 entries that have been approved by FDA, EMA, NMPA, DGIdb etc., 1,987 entries that are in clinical trails, and recorded in databases such as drugbank, and some other items, such as, 71,481 potential target interaction entries of cancer immunotherapy, which are collected from VDJdb, TBAdb and other databases. We have made a reliability criteria to assign corresponding weights to each piece of data according to the reliability of the data. In addition, the database also contains functional annotation information of 8,514 cancer immunotherapy targets, including GO function, KEGG pathway, CHEMBL number, binding information, Gene3D, and functional region and site information on each target, etc. The details of all the data are shown in the table below, and the flow chart of the database is in the workflow section.